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Kitchen Fire Safety: The Dos and Don'ts for Handling a Cooking Emergency

No matter if you’re baking, frying or microwaving your food, a cooking fire could happen suddenly and spread throughout your kitchen and other parts of your home if the fire isn’t contained quickly. By learning what you should and shouldn’t do with a cooking fire, you’ll have a better chance of keeping your home and family safe. A fire restoration company can also help if your home gets damaged from a cooking fire


What You Should Do

Have a Fire Extinguisher Within Reach

A fire extinguisher can be used to put out many kitchen fires before they grow bigger and get out of control. The extinguisher should be mounted somewhere in or near the kitchen so that it can be grabbed quickly to put out a cooking fire. It’s also important to check the expiration date on the extinguisher to make sure that it’s still operable.


Leave Microwave Door Closed in a Fire

If the inside of your microwave catches fire, it’s best to leave the microwave door closed until the fire dies out on its own. Microwaves are designed to deprive fires of oxygen, and opening the door may allow the fire to spread and might necessitate a fire restoration in Kelowna.


Call for Help

You might still try to put out a cooking fire that grows out of control on your own, but doing so could put you and your home in grave danger. As any good fire restoration company would advise, you should contact emergency services if a kitchen fire gets out of control. It’s also a good idea to contact one of the leading restoration companies near you if the fire damages any part of your home.


What You Shouldn’t Do

Throw Water on a Grease Fire

Water can make a grease fire spread, and you may need extensive fire damage restoration work if the fire gets out of control. Instead of water, try using baking soda, salt or a fire extinguisher to douse the flames.


Expose a Fire to Oxygen
Opening a microwave door or lifting a lid off a pan could expose any fire that’s burning inside of these appliances to oxygen, which can make the fire spread. You should keep these fires contained and deprive them of oxygen as much as possible.


Clutter Your Kitchen

If other cooking gadgets, paper or other items that could be flammable are left near a fire, these items could ignite or be in your way as you try to extinguish the fire. It’s best to leave your kitchen as clutter-free as possible before a fire starts in the first place so that you won’t have to invest in extensive fire damage restoration work.

If a cooking fire causes any damage to your home, you can contact Total Restoration Kelowna for service. Total Restoration Kelowna prides itself on being one of the premier fire restoration companies in the Kelowna area, and experts can come to you to provide the service that will help get your home back in order.